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What type of faucet material is easiest to clean and maintain?

Stainless steel
All the same
Not sure
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Question: What type of faucet material is easiest to clean and maintain?
Top Answer (43% of 73 votes): Stainless steel.

Answer: Stainless steel
Explanation: Because it's stainless steel it doesn't rust or oxidize.
R.F.I Custom construction & Maintenance
Answer: All the same
Explanation: As long as you take care of each product the should be the same
A Handyman Services
Answer: All the same
Explanation: All these materials could be hard to maintain depends on the amount of water and usage. It has always good to contact a professional plumber if you having issues with any faucet www.RepipesOC.com 949-524-2362
Repipe OC
Answer: All the same
Explanation: Most faucets can be cleaned in the same fashion and repaired if parts are available.
Plumbing response team llc
Answer: Stainless steel
Explanation: Wipe it down
Sean descisciolo
Answer: Stainless steel
Explanation: This is the easiest to me.
Wright Trades of NE Fl
Answer: All the same
Explanation: I would have to say all the same because Im sure there are several types of cleaning products on the market for all of these items.
The Burnette Group
Answer: Stainless steel
Explanation: It has a natural nonstick surface.
Anderson's Home Repair LLC.
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Depends what is on them
SK Service CO - Plumbing Service
Answer: Chrome
Explanation: easy to clean and burnish chrome
AB Construction and Remodeling inc.
Answer: Chrome
Explanation: Chrome is the most durable and easily cleaned fixture
Gator Drain and Plumbing
Answer: Chrome
Explanation: Chrome is the most common finish installed and it's very easy to clean and maintain.
Clog Pro Plumbing
Answer: Plastic
Explanation: An experience
Podgornyy Construction
Answer: Stainless steel
Explanation: Due to all chemicals used in cleaning products stainless steel holds up longer with easy maintenance
Pro Plumbers Augusta
Answer: Stainless steel
Explanation: The name says it all. Stainless steel is the easiest to clean.
The Best Home Guys
Answer: Stainless steel
Explanation: Stainless steel would be the easiest to clean and maintain.
Answer: Chrome
Explanation: Chrome has a smooth light surface that is really easy to clean and does not stain as easy as other options.
Russ Construction & Remodeling LLC
Answer: Chrome
Explanation: Very durable high hardness finish taken care of it should last a lifetime
Handyman Connection
Answer: Stainless steel
Explanation: Stainless can easily be maintained, but so is nickel. The smartest thing you can do is to always clean them after each use. Water deposits are your enemy.
APSCO Professional Service Company
Answer: Stainless steel
Explanation: Stainless steel provides durability and ease of cleaning.
Chicago Handyman
Answer: Stainless steel
Explanation: Most faucets finishes have a lifetime warranties due to the digitally installed finish
knott plumbing
Answer: Stainless steel
Explanation: easy to clean
Hagee Plumbing
Answer: Stainless steel
Explanation: easy to clean
Guaranteed Plumbing
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